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Aug 28, 2015

Will Fuel Cells Win Against Electric Batteries?

Both fuel cells and batteries power a car by creating electricity through a chemical reaction. But which is the technology of the future? We’re here to tell you a little about what makes a fuel cell different than a battery, and discuss the advantages working on fuel cell technology. Who will win? That’s for you to decide!

The Traditional Electric Car Battery

A regular car battery is full of metal compounds, usually lithium, manganese or zinc. When the engine starts, the metal compounds are vibrated, creating a chemical reaction, resulting in electricity production. This is also what charges the car battery.

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How Do Fuel Cells Work?

A fuel cell is powered by hydrogen fuel. The hydrogen fuel bonds with oxygen found in the air to create a chemical reaction, leading to electricity production. Fuel cells are refueled in this. Both batteries will degrade over time. A car battery lasts roughly four years, give or take, depending on the driver. A fuel cell battery degrades after about 10 years. Your car will still start, but its performance will be compromised. For example, it may be more difficult to accelerate quickly, such as on an on-ramp to the highway.

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It’s clear a fuel cell battery is a better battery; but which is more cost effective?

For most cars, a battery can be replaced for under $150. For a fuel cell car, a replacement is at least $17,000. Part of this cost is a result of the lack of demand for fuel cells. If more people drove fuel cell cars, this price would go down. Experts expect to bring the price down by 30% by next year. Another aspect of this cost is the cost of compressing hydrogen into fuel. It’s an extremely complicated and expensive process. In addition, hydrogen fuel can’t be applied as a replacement for gas in most cases. So again, the lack of demand for the product keeps the price

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As of today, a regular car battery is the better choice. However, with the marked improvements fuel cells have been making in the past few years, they are the likely technology of the near future.