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Dec 14, 2015

When the weather gets rough and the temperatures are dropping, the sleet and ice can make driving dangerous. If you don’t know how to drive in Wisconsin winter road conditions, it can be quite an anxiety-inducing experience. We’ll give you three great tips for driving in sleet and ice so that you can hit the streets with confidence this year.

Three Tips for Driving in Sleet or Ice

Tip 1: Slow Down 

This might seem like common sense, but many drivers could avoid nasty situations if they simply slowed down. This is especially important when it comes to turning. Slowing down gives your vehicle a chance to grip the road and will also decrease the amount of damage if you did get into an accident. It’s definitely worth increasing the minutes in your travelling time when it comes to making sure you arrive safely.

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Tip 2: Plan Ahead

Winter driving in slippery conditions may not seem overwhelmingly scary, but the trick is to plan ahead with any turns. Slowing down is the first step, but when it comes to making sudden movements, it won’t matter how fast you are going. You want to look ahead and prepare yourself for any turns or curves by slowing down and taking the turn in a controlled manner. Your car won’t have a chance to slide as much if you keep things under control.

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Tip 3: Avoid Hills

Wisconsin might not be the state with the biggest hills, but the sheer number of hills isn’t the issue if you happen to run across one when the road is icy. One steep hill and a vehicle out of control can lead to dangerous accidents. Your best bet is to avoid any hills when you are worried about an icy road. Any car will much more easily lose traction once momentum is built while driving down a hill.

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